Vaccines Q & A
What is the practice's view of vaccines?
Vaccines are one of the greatest successes in the field of medicine in the last century in terms of saving lives. They are responsible for virtually eliminating diseases like polio and rubella, and of reducing by 99% the occurrence of hepatitis b and some types of bacterial meningitis. All vaccines go through a decades-long testing process before they are introduced to the general public, and their effects continue to be rigorously monitored after they are incorporated into the vaccine schedule. As children’s health advocates, we follow the schedule that is set by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). This schedule is proven to be safe, and is the most effective way of vaccinating all children. Dr. Goldstein has spoken to many parenting groups, health care workers, and media outlets on the importance and safety of vaccines, and has been named as a Vaccine Champion by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Which vaccines will my child receive?
At each well visit your provider will discuss with you the vaccines that are recommended, why they are recommended, and any potential side effects. While some vaccines protect against multiple diseases, there are usually no more than three injections given at a single visit. The vaccine schedule is available on the AAP powered website, .
Do vaccines cause autism?
There is no relationship between vaccines and autism. Through dozens of studies on hundreds of thousands of children, this has been proven to such an extent that it is no longer a question that is even addressed in the medical community.